Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Chapter 3 - The Future of the NHS

This is a summary of chapter 3 written by Andrew Lansley CBE MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Health (Conservative)

In this chapter Andrew Lansley raises the concerns that the NHS has all the complexities and bureaucracy of a huge organisation, yet lacks any of benefits of scale and consistency being delivered in practice. He discusses :

1) Public Health
He believes there is a distinction between the NHS and the health of the public at large; the NHS should treat the patient, whilst the government should treat society. Therefore, the first element in his future NHS, is to deliver improved public health.

2) Return the NHS service to its staff
He believes that in an NHS which is professionally-led and patient-centred. The professionals (doctors, nurses and managers) should be trusted to deliver the NHS service, free from day-to-day political interference.

3) Increase plurality – using competition to increase efficiency.
He believes that by using a plurality of providers, this would increase competition (a tide that can lift every boat) and in turn greater efficiency would ensue.

4) Finite resources versus insatiable demand
He believes that commissioning bodies will have to reconcile the tough decisions involved in finite resources with insatiable demand.
He believes the future of the NHS must be secured by a clear consistent strategic approach. This can not be achieved without the skill, care and leadership given by the staff of the NHS- managers free to manage; doctors able to offer clinical and professional leadership; nurses able to focus on the needs and care of patients; and all the staff of the NHS able to realise the potential of their service. He looks forward to an NHS in which patients put themselves in the hands of empowered professionals.

To read this chapter in full, please buy the book 'The Future of the NHS' - which is available from amazon, good bookshops or buy on-line www.thefutureofthenhs.com

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