The recent
Green Paper on Defence reminded me of the independent report published last October by
Sir Bernard Gray about Defence acquisition. Sir Bernard Gray recognised that the UK isn't alone in feeling let down by the way military equipment is bought. Around the world many nations face similar shortcomings: equipment arriving late, being too expensive and not delivering what was requested or expected.
However, just because this is a pervasive problem, should we sit back and accept it? The Labour government have lacked ambition, vision, drive and leadership to act on Sir Bernard Gray's recommendations. Labour have returned similar reports year on year. Perhaps in a similar vain to Labour's education legacy: the bar required to pass exams was reduced, so exam league results looked better. This ignores the commitment required to faciliate the needs of the most able child, whilst also deserting the struggling student.
If the Conservative's win the next election, I don't believe we will accept 'lowest common denominator results'. The men and women fighting to protect us have never given up because something wasn't easy. We owe it them to get better at delivering the right equipment at the right time. We also owe it to the taxpayers to make sure your money is being is being spent in an effective and efficient way. We need to take action and vote at the Ballot box.